vendredi 6 juin 2008

73 forgotten (back to illustration friday)

know that feeling ?
this is how you make me feel sometimes.

7 commentaires:

  1. Aww, poor kitty. Sometimes I feel this way too. Nicely done.

  2. **En francais;
    Le pauvre chat, moi me sens comme ca parfois. Bien fait. (OK, je suis horrible, ca fait longtemps en ecrivant en francais!)

  3. Merde!!Pauvre chat!!This is really a sensible illo,you captured very well the feel!Touche(again),great job!

  4. Oh no! I feel so bad for him!
    This REALLY captures the feeling of Forgotten.

  5. So sad!!

    But, so evocative of the theme, so kudos!

  6. i really like it, lots of atmosphere


Adios Illo Friday

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