it's that time of the year when people start to hit the road and change their habit for a few weeks. I'm not moving. end of the journey, stopped searching. my energy will be spent adapting to the hic e nunc.

projects for the 3 day week-end: watch the sun come up while working, go get some breakfast (I was thinking chocolate croissants for her, maybe smoked salmon or italian ham for me), walk a lot today, ride a lot tomorrow, meet friends, have drinks, see skeptical minds live again.
"skeptical minds" rocks :)
*edit* we took this video on sunday's night gig. published with permission.
the cello player is my brother's daughter.
last night I won tikets for the "men without pants" show at the beautifull place called le botanique. I knew that they only offer tikets when there's not enough sales. there were twice as much people in the audience that there were on stage. what a shame for what you could consider a super-group. they only played for half an hour but who could blame them. I can say I know the feeling.