I missed last week's topic on
Illustration friday !!!
for the first time in 4 years.
Not that I didn't want to do it, I already had a subject, maybe was it too ambitious.
But most of all I didn't have any free time and energy left now that I took the decision to try and live as a freelance ilustrator, with the help of a few friends of course. Being laid off helped the process of course.
Please meet
our studioThe name is a funny little wordplay in french, sorry if you don't catch it.
We have a few works underway and LOT'S of projects to work on.
Viva la libertad.
So, Here's a little late something. When I was a kid, I was fascinated by the comic strip that I could find in the news papers. My parents didn't buy them every day so I could not follow the story, but my obsession for pin ups girls and archetypes must have somtehing to do with Rip Kirby in it's John Prentice's version.