Yawn. My head hurts.
awaken by a well known domestic migraine, I had plenty of time to think about who I could pay an homage to.
TAZIO NUVOLARI, the fastest man on earth. you google and learn something by yourself, but nuvolari began his racing career on a motorbike, his only reason to live was racing and winning. He drove his car around a track with the steering wheel off, drove throught the night of the mille miglia at 100mph (average, on moutain dirt roads) without his headlights on to surprise his competitors, another year his ferrari fell bit by bit but he kept flooring it until he had to sit on a bag of oranges after his seat broke down, he drove grand prix with fractured vertebreas, beat the german war machines on their race track with an older slower alfa romeo, although known to spend more time in the hospital than in his car, he just never gave up.
Mr. nine digited yankee, here's your first french lesson.
Alain Bashung has been around since 1979. He's one of the first singer that made french songs evolve from traditionnal to a more anglo-american flavored music.
I do not have any other records than his very first 45, but I just like his latest song, and it's a special private joke to someone I love whom I sent the first song last night, quote "you shouldn't leave me alone at night".
chais pas pas pas pas
Un jour je t'aimerai moins,
one day I will love you less
jusqu'au jour où je ne t'aimerai plus..
untill one day I will not love you anymore
Un jour je sourierai moins,
one day I will smile less
jusqu'au jour où je ne sourierai plus...
untill one day I will smile no more
Un jour je parlerai moins,
one day I will speak less
jusqu'au jour où je ne parleras plus...
untill one day I will speak no more
Un jour, je courirai mois,
one day I will run less
jusqu'au jour où je ne courirai plus...
untill one day i will run no more
Hier on se regardait à peine, c'est à peine si l'on se penchait.
yesterday we hardly looked at each other, we hardly just leant
Aujourd'hui nos regards sont suspendus, résidents, résidents de la république.
today our stares are suspended, residents, residents of the replubic
où le rose à des reflets de bleu.
where pink has glints of blue
Ok, fucker -- so who's that and why should I care? :) Sorry, don't speak a word of French (Spanish, German, or Japanese I can fake)... but I like the tunes and presentation, so enlighten the Yankee!
P.S. -- Translation?