mardi 28 janvier 2014

trimestrial update

Here's a little candy I did as a recreational wacom exercise waiting for the soup to heat in the microwave.
This winter will be spent in my workshop. I have a new book coming out tomorrow January 29th, and another scheduled for early may, shrinking a reasonable 5 or 6 month of work into only 3, as a book in libraries in may has to be delivered on march 1rst. Good thing 2014 is a leap year. :)

This month's book is a demand from our publisher and tells the story of french car make Alpine-Renault. Unlike our series Chapman, I doubt that it will ever be translated into any other language than french and flemish due to its limited interest outside the french market.

Spring and summer should be spent riding the Triumph around europe to present and sign the books in comic conventions and classic race meetings  At least that's the plan. Signings and presentations dates can be found on my regular website, starting next week February 7 in Paris.

Adios Illo Friday

After almost a year without post, I hereby officially declare this blog DEAD. You can scroll though my work on my webpage at www.papazogla...