jeudi 31 décembre 2009

see you in 2010 ... probably

happy new year everyone.

on a more useful information, my job's email adress has been canceled early last week, so I probably missed a few messages, you can erase it from your contact book.
ROCK ON 2010

mercredi 30 décembre 2009


From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Young Pioneer organization of the Soviet Union

The Young Pioneer Organization of the Soviet Union, also Lenin All-Union Pioneer Organization (Russian: Всесою́зная пионе́рская организа́ция и́мени В. И. Ле́нина About this sound listen (help·info); tr.:Vsesoyuznaya pionerskaya organizatsiya imeni V. I. Lenina), was a mass youth organization of the USSR for children of age 10–15 in the Soviet Union between 1922 and 1991.

samedi 12 décembre 2009

IF3Y-45 HATCH, as in toyota corolla HATCHback

I used to drive one of those. sometimes I think about that car in the middle of the night, and wake up screaming in horror.

still sick, fever down but brain not fully functonnal yet.

lundi 7 décembre 2009

crunchy clean up

awww you're too sweet.

I didn't want to make it sound so dramatic, not like i'm about to starve to death but thank you for your concern, merci.

I thought I'd clean up a little last night's illo, just to point to the fact that behind the compulsive scratching, there's a potential commercial value.
I'm only in it for the money you know ;)

IF3Y-45 - crunchy

nothing cures an abandon neurosis like a bar of crunchy chocolate with nuts and a couple of old lp's.

last wednesday I have been informed that I only had two weeks left before I could pack my things and leave the office to never come back. Not that there was anything wrong with my work, on the contrary, just the way things go. I have no idea about what I am going to do on january to pay the bills. I'd love to illustrate book covers. How can I achieve that ? work at the desk of the tattoo shop? yes please.

Very bad for my little self abandon neurosis.

Sometimes in the world as is you've
Got to shake the hand that feeds you
It's just like Adam says
It's not so hard to understand
It's just like always coming down on
Just like Jesus never came and
What did you expect to find
It's just like always here again it's...

(no no no) No time for heartache
(no no no) No time to run and hide
(no no no) No time for breaking down
(no no no) No time to cry

Everything will be alright
Everything will turn out fine
Some nights I still can't sleep
And the voices pass with time

dimanche 22 novembre 2009

IF3Y43 - music

I think I need a new tablet, or at least a new pen. the wacom has gone hard as steel.
can anyone advise a decent A5 or bigger wacom?

Music fills my live all day long. I'd rather go blind han deaf.
nowadays I can't get that ritournelle out of my head.

dimanche 15 novembre 2009

devil pin up how to

actually THIS CLOSE of getting paid to create cheap erotics. seriously, what else do you need.

samedi 14 novembre 2009

IF3Y 42 unbalanced

I'm looking for new projects, what can I do for you ?
i'm a perfectly well balanced healthy picture robot.

outside is grey and horrible and inside there's a mix lots of work to be done and time to wait. perfect moment for some anxious electro to prevent any human feeling.

see also here

dimanche 8 novembre 2009

vendredi 30 octobre 2009

IF3Y-40 - skinny

I wish my tongue was wandering around your iliach crest licking every each of your secret inter costal spaces getting lost in your arm pits and our bones ringing like a death knell .

but it's not and they're not and I'm not.

you were tired I was bored and I got another beer and I was fat.

dimanche 25 octobre 2009

IF3Y-39 - FAST


I make a living out of fast images. check here

You want to know the secret of fast? it's the wheels. seriously.

I love race cars and fast cars. I think cars are like guns, they can be of great mechanical quality and precision tools, they shouldn't be allowed on the street in the hands of any idiot. they should be roaring on race tracks. My personnal favorite are american. loud and a bit heavy.
today I spent another day walking up and down a race track, but the light was crap.


lundi 19 octobre 2009

IF3Y-38-FROZEN (you are not a unique and beautifull snowflake)

I can relate. this is how I feel in the inside too.

moday morning, as soon as the bike hit the highway I knew I missed a couple of layers.
the heating system does not work in the studio, I could not fix it.
It's only about 10°C but you can see outside that seagulls and raven have it easier than parrots. winter is here now.
I need a project to keep me waiting till spring.

dimanche 11 octobre 2009


B29 flying superfortress. 3,970 were built.
147 000 tons of bombs dropped during WWII

Estimates of Casualties Hiroshima Nagasaki
Pre-raid population 255,000 195,000
Dead 66,000 39,000
Injured 69,000 25,000
Total Casualties 135,000 64,000

167 000 tons of bombs dropped in Korea

Estimating the number killed in Vietnam is extremely difficult. Official records are hard to find or nonexistent and many of those killed were literally blasted to pieces by bombing.

samedi 26 septembre 2009


I am so totally uninspired.
I created that wool pattern and now I don't know what to do with it.
I am also conducting long time researches on carbon fiber patterns:

I am looking for a ILLUSTRATOR REPRESENTATIVE in the USA. any tip or contact you can give me?

here is the animated clip I did this summer for my friend cactus. It was done in extra short time and it is full of clumsiness but for a first experience, I am rather satisfied that I made it to the end of the song.

the ending is my personnal interpretation of "a woman can take you to another universe / sometimes she just leaves you there".

dimanche 20 septembre 2009


an infinite reflexion of a screen staring at a screen staring at a screen, or an infinite series of me watching me watching me watching me.
ok, hung over, had a busy week.
been lazy.

samedi 12 septembre 2009


archive footage: the allied forces of earth welcoming their first alien visitor.

things to make a good sci-fi movie:
creature from space with strangely earthly characteristics
belligerant military leader to ruin intergalactic friendship
hope in the future despite fear in new technologies
sexy assistant that will turn into a monster in the end.

ever noticed how adding bits of horror movie titles can make daily live so much more exciting? going to the haunted supermarket of doom, the horrible illustration friday experiment of terror, the ghost wacom from evil madness....
maybe I've been watching too much vintage horror movies.

dimanche 6 septembre 2009

IF3Y-32 strong

strong liquor.

this could be the excuse for a funny "name that movie contest" but since you STILL HAVEN'T FIND THE ANSWER FOR THE CONTEST 2 WEEKS AGO !

anyway. this week end is strong liquor week end.

samedi 29 août 2009


night makes our problems look bigger.

thank you ASJA for the added textures.

last week's NAME THE MOVIE CONTEST is still running.... theme: caution.
lemmy help you.... aha ..

other than that, I'm officially on the hunt for any jobs to pay the gas money, so please visit my home page print, web, illustration, pre-press, paper, digital, you need it, I can do it. If I can't do it, I'll learn how to do it. yey for freedom.

vendredi 21 août 2009

IF3Y - 30 CAUTION - Name that movie competition

shall we play NAME THAT MOVIE again with this fine exemple of friday scratching?

Winner will have to post the name of the movie and the connection with this week's topic (caution) and gets... I don't know... what do yuo want ? a print on canvas delivered to your door? this image of any other on this blog? you name it.

ok, maybe I asked too much.
here a clue. to help you

samedi 15 août 2009

IF3Y-29 wrapped

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
(Redirected from Cleopatra)
Eager to take advantage of Julius Caesar's anger with Ptolemy, Queen Cleopatra returned to the palace wrapped into a Persian carpet and had it presented to Caesar by her servants: when it was unrolled, Cleopatra tumbled out.[8] It is believed that Caesar was charmed by the gesture, and she became his mistress.

samedi 1 août 2009


eh.. what else?!

I really love the idea that body can be enhanced by some external artist.
I stole all the tattoes for this picture from my friend JURG unless the bastard sues me. I can't draw a tattoo anyway.

the tango competition is still going on... you're supposed to find the name of a movie and the clues are... *tango* - *paris* - *butter* what more can I say except *marlon brando* ?! I know the prize money isn't much (the original drawing sent to your doorstep) but at least I though somebody would post the obvious result for personnal gratification...

still summertime here, tonight is enchiladas and vodka.

Adios Illo Friday

After almost a year without post, I hereby officially declare this blog DEAD. You can scroll though my work on my webpage at www.papazogla...