lundi 25 février 2008

the tempe arizona mystery solved

well. I feel stupid and cheated and humiliated.
I though I had a recurrent visitor from tempe arizona, and it turned out it is a robot spider scanning the web for a search engine.
at least I have... I wait a second. jeager ? would you be a spider robot ?
naaa, you curse too much. :)
as for the US tour, I'm currently working on it (litterally) better be stocking those beers I heard about.
thank's god I still have some human visitors. thank you for leaving a comment.

tip of the day: get up at 4, work for 15 hours in a row, a beer and a vodka on an empty stomach. even better than mood regulation pills on tequilla.
who wants to live long anyway?! sleep is for sissies.

samedi 23 février 2008

58 multiple

today's post is about multiple returning visitors.
Hey, how's the weather in Reston Virginia today ?

isn't art about having multiple personnalities and several lifes after all ?

samedi 16 février 2008

57 theory

in theory I'm the luckiest boy in town
in facts, I'm a mess.

I got the strangest e-mail today. it basically said "rise lazarus, rise"
in theory it's a chance in a million. I won"t talk about it untill it turns into reality.
another mess.

I saw crime and the city solution in concert here around 1987. alone. it was the most amazing experience in sound EVER. this and the fact that unlike nick cave, they don"t look like an pizzeria waiter now.

another beer another tequilla another pill another beer and good night.

samedi 2 février 2008

55 blanket

I'm not feeling arty today.

should I say I feel
? bhwabhwabhwa.

I could have made something about the actress, you know...kate
, or blanquette de veaux.

remember. I don't really owe you anything.
have a nice day.

Adios Illo Friday

After almost a year without post, I hereby officially declare this blog DEAD. You can scroll though my work on my webpage at www.papazogla...